17 Healthy Postpartum Snacks [For Breastfeeding & Energy Supply]

Are you looking for healthy postpartum snacks to get you through the day?

You’re in the right place.

In this post you are going to learn which snacks:

  • are filling and nutrient-dense,
  • will provide you with the energy you need throughout the day, and
  • are calorically light to help prevent weight gain.

These snacks are also great if you are breastfeeding.

Let’s get started.


Postpartum snacks to stock up on

So you just had your baby and you are looking for healthy snacks that will keep you energized and your milk supply flowing.

Shouldn’t be hard right?

Well, here are 4 food groups that you should include when meal prepping, along with 17 snack ideas.

Nut Butters – For Healthy Fats & Proteins

Nut butters are one of my favorite snacks of all time.

They are packed with healthy fats, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

The best part is:

Nut butters go well with almost anything- bread/flat breads/rice cakes/fruits, etc, just to name a few.

There are many nut butters to choose from nowadays but my ultimate favorites are: almond, cashew, and peanut.

While nut butters aren’t calorie-light, studies have shown that the consumption of nuts do not stimulate weight gain!

Somehow, your body doesn’t absorb all the calories from nuts like you would expect it to.

I have listed a few ways you can add nut butter into your diet in a healthy fashion below.

Sprouted grain toast with 1 tbsp of almond butter:

When choosing breads, try to go for the sprouted grain variety. These tend to have the least number of ingredients and are full of protein and other vitamins.

Bananas with 1 tbsp of peanut butter

Bananas are the easiest snack of all-time. They are delicious, portable, and go extremely well with nut butters. If you would like to limit your sugar intake, make sure that your banana isn’t too ripe.

Rice cakes with 1 tbsp of cashew butter

Rice cakes are another easy way to get some nut butter into your daily routine. I usually go for the unsalted brown rice variety. You could also add banana to this to make it even tastier and filling.


Apple slices with 1 tbsp of hazelnut butter

Last but not least, you can also add nut butters to apple slices. You know what they say about an apple a day :).

If you do not like nut butters, you can also get the same benefits by simply going to the source.

Nuts are another one of my favorite snacks.

They are loaded with healthy fat, antioxidants, fiber, and other key nutrients.

That same study I linked above shows that nuts can help increase satiety and metabolism. Plus, nuts can help improve insulin sensitivity, lipid metabolism and inflammation.

Do yourself a favor and buy a large container of pistachios or mixed nuts to then divide into 1/4 cup servings to have whenever you are in the mood for a quick snack.

Here are my recommendations.

1/4 cup of pistachios

Of all the nuts, pistachios tend to have the highest number of vitamins and minerals. With that said, be careful with them, as they are very addicting!

1/4 cup of mixed nuts

When getting mixed nuts, just make sure to avoid getting the ones with dried fruit and yogurt pieces as these. are usually loaded with sugar.

Fruits- Nature’s Dessert

Who doesn’t love a bag of fresh fruits?

Not only are fruits super tasty, they are also home to some unique antioxidants, as well as natural sugars.

As such, they can definitely satisfy your sweet tooth, while helping fight inflammation.

Fruits are also full of fiber, which is the best way to improve your gut health and your bowel habits.

They are also super low in calories!

The best types of fruit you should consume postpartum are:

Fresh berries

All kinds of berries are great. You can eat them plain, or added as toppings to just about anything.


The orange is very under-appreciated. This citrus fruit is loaded with water as well as Vitamin C and other flavenoid antioxidants.


Peaches are another great fruit that satisfies your sweet tooth while providing a hydrating experience. They are loaded with several vitamins and minerals.


Vegetables- The Plants of Life

You can’t mention fruits without including vegetables.

I am sure you know why vegetables are important to consume but in case you don’t, vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.

Plus, they are super low in calories yet can be quite filling.

Vegetables are also full of fiber to help prevent constipation and keep you full throughout the day.

If you struggle to eat vegetables – try adding hummus to them!

Here are some great snacks you can have with hummus.

Carrots with hummus

Celery with hummus

Broccoli with hummus

Pepper slices with hummus

Protein- For Muscle Maintenance and Energy

Protein is probably the most important macronutrient you should be consuming during and after your pregnancy.

It is responsible for building and maintaining muscle tissue, which is your body’s secret weapon for maintaining its metabolism.

Plus, protein will help keep you satiated and aid in fat loss.

And please, don’t be scared of this amazing nutrient! I promise you won’t get “bulky” from increasing your protein intake.

The beauty of protein is that you can either eat it or drink it.

Try these recipes below and let me know what you think!

Hard boiled eggs with guacamole

This protein-packed snack will be sure to give you a lot of energy postpartum. The guacamole is also loaded with plenty of healthy fats.

Greek yogurt with blueberries

Greek yogurt is a little known way to significantly improve your protein intake. Throw in some berries and you will be getting two for one!

Homemade protein bars

Protein bars are great- but it’s important to always look at the nutrition label. Many bars are loaded with sugar and other less-than-ideal ingredients. To bypass all of this, you can make your own healthy protein bars. You can find several examples on Pinterest.

Smoothie with protein powder

The last high protein snack you can have includes protein powder supplements. You can easily combine multiple steps from above into one filling smoothie that will energize you for hours. You can include veggies, berries, bananas, nut butter, water, and a scoop of protein!


What snacks should you bring during labor?

During labor you may or may not be able to eat depending on:

  • how many centimeters dilated you are,
  • the type of medication you are receiving, and
  • the status of your baby.

If you are allowed to eat the best type of snacks are clear liquids such as:

  • 100% Fruit juices,
  • Jell-Os, and/or
  • Chicken Broth

What should I eat immediately after giving birth?

After birth the most important thing you should consume is water!

Not only will it help to keep you hydrated but it will also help with your milk supply.

You might be craving a huge meal after baby, but it’s a good idea to take it slow.

It’s best to stick to simple things like the snacks mentioned above to improve your nutrition and energy supply.

If you happen to not have an appetite postpartum be sure to check out this post on what to do.

Postpartum snacks for hospital

Make sure you bring snacks to the hospital as you never know when you will get a craving for something only to find out the cafeteria is closed!

The snacks I recommend you bring to the hospital include: (these are also vegan friendly).

  • Nuts,
  • Rice cakes,
  • Granola or protein bars, and
  • Portable fruits like bananas and oranges

What snacks should you eat while breastfeeding?

The best snacks to eat while breastfeeding are ones that will keep you hydrated and full of energy.

All of the above snacks are okay with breastfeeding.

Here are the best packaged snacks for breastfeeding

  • Nuts
  • Low ingredient bars
  • Hummus
  • Guacamole
  • Dark Chocolate

If you would like to learn more- check out The Definitive Breastfeeding Meal Plan [Everything You Need To Know].

Should I eat at night while breastfeeding?

If you are breastfeeding at night and are hungry, then you should eat.

Hunger is usually a sign that your body is craving calories and nutrition,

This is especially common while breastfeeding as the demands placed on your body are quite high.

While you are at it, drink a glass of water.

Other Related Questions

What foods improve breast milk?

While there is no definitive data on what foods improve breast milk supply, what we do know is that you must stay hydrated to produce breast milk.

As you know, breast milk is mostly composed of water, thus if you are dehydrated and not consuming enough water, you will not produce enough breast milk to feed your baby.

To determine how hydrated you are, look at the color of your urine.

If your urine is dark yellow you are dehydrated and should drink more water.

Aim for a pale yellow color.

Are bananas good for breastfeeding?

Yes, bananas are good for breastfeeding.

They contain large amounts of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C. calcium, and iron.

Can I eat eggs while breastfeeding?

Yes, you can eat cooked eggs while breastfeeding.

It is not advised to eat raw eggs while nursing your baby.


What foods can upset a breastfed baby?

The foods that can upset a breastfed baby are usually ones that will cause gas.

These include:

  • Large quantity of leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, and lettuce
  • High fiber foods such as beans, broccoli, and brussel sprouts.

With that said, these foods are important to include in your diet so just make sure you are not overdoing it.

Experiment and see what works for you and your baby.

Final Words on Healthy Postpartum Snacks

Postpartum is an important time to ensure you are eating enough of the right calories and drinking plenty of water.

Be sure to eat a varied diet that includes healthy fats, proteins, fruits, and vegetables.

Now I want to hear from you.

What is your favorite postpartum food?

Which one of these are you most excited to try?

Comment below and let me know.

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Brittany Robles, MD, MPH, CPT

Brittany Robles is a full-time OBGYN physician, a NASM certified trainer, and a prenatal and postnatal fitness specialist. She holds a Master of Public Health degree in maternal health with a special interest in exercise and nutrition. She is also the co-author of The White Coat Trainer. Learn more about her here.

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2 thoughts on “17 Healthy Postpartum Snacks [For Breastfeeding & Energy Supply]”

  1. Some of my favorite snacks to enjoy postpartum include plain whole milk yogurt with berries and a sprinkle of hemp hearts, veggies with hummus, apple slices with peanut butter and hard boiled eggs with everything bagel seasoning. I like to include lots of healthy fats because they are good for me EBF baby and help to keep me satisfied.

    1. Brittany Robles, MD, MPH, CPT

      Hi Dakota,

      Thank you so much for the comment! Those are some really nutritious postpartum snacks. I love hemp hearts and add them to almost everything 🙂

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