My 33 Week Pregnant Belly: Bump Update With Pictures

My 33 Weeks Pregnant Belly Picture

33 week bump update

Starting Weight: 123lbs

Current Weight: 138lbs

Total Weight Gain: 15lbs

Now let’s go over how my week went and what to expect…

Energy Level: No significant changes to my energy levels this week. I am really grateful to still feel energized for most of the day.

Pregnancy Symptoms: No new pregnancy symptoms this week. I am feeling a ton of fetal movement and increased pelvic pressure, especially in the evening. Thankfully I haven’t had any further SI joint pain or sciatic nerve pain.

Other Physical Changes: No other noticeable changes besides my growing belly :). I can also see my belly button completely lol (I had an “innie” before pregnancy).

Diet: I was able to enjoy my typical diet this week. One thing I am focusing on is hydration. Even though I drink 64 ounces per day, I can still drink more water based on my urine color. Other than that, I am still eating a well-balanced diet and avoiding highly processed foods.

Here is my typical diet.

Diet Modifications: I am still consuming small frequent meals throughout the day since my stomach tends to get full quickly.

Food Aversions: No food aversions this week.

Food Cravings: No food cravings this week.

Workouts: This week, I completed the last “heavy” week of my pregnancy strength program.

I finished with a 95lbs squat, 55lb overhead press, 80lb bench, and 140lb deadlift.

I am super proud of my pregnancy gains and the fact that I was able to continue lifting during my pregnancy!

Next week is my deload week which I am looking forward to.

I am still deciding what I will do as far as workouts go in the coming weeks.

You can see examples of my entire pregnancy workout in my Prenatal Fitness Prescription.

desktop computer showing the cover of the prenatal fitness rx workout program

Modifications to my workout: The only modifications I have made to my workouts are using lighter weights and avoiding being on my back for prolonged periods of time.

Here is a video of me squatting 95lbs at 33 weeks pregnant!

*Be sure to speak with your health care provider before doing any physical activity or heavy lifting in pregnancy.*

How much weight should I have gained at 33 weeks pregnant?

By 33 weeks of pregnancy, on average, you may have gained anywhere from 22 to 28 pounds.

Don’t forget that these numbers are just the average. You may have gained less or you may have gained more depending on several factors.

With that said, it is important you attend your regularly scheduled prenatal visits as your provider can measure your fundal height or perform an ultrasound to ensure that your baby is growing appropriately.

Here is what my bump looks like at 33 weeks- despite me only gaining 15lbs, my fundal height is within normal limits.

brittany holding up sign at 33 weeks pregnant from side

What is the size of baby at 33 weeks?

Your baby is now about 17 inches in length and weighs approximately 4.25lbs which is about the size of a pineapple.

The top of your uterus (aka fundal height) should be between 31 cm to 35 cm from your pubic bone.

Is the baby fully formed at 33 weeks?

At 33 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is fully formed but some organs like the lungs and the nervous system will continue to develop until the full term gestation of 39 weeks.

How does a baby look in the womb at 33 weeks?

At 33 weeks, your baby will look like a full-term baby just smaller.

The bones of the skull aren’t fused together which is what will allow the baby to pass through the birth canal.

What is baby doing in the womb at 33 weeks?

At 33 weeks, your baby is practicing breathing as well as swallowing the amniotic fluid which can cause hiccups. Fetal hiccups feel like rhythmic sensations in one part of your belly that last a few minutes.

Your baby is also urinating inside the womb, which is producing the amniotic fluid surrounding him.

Your baby may also be already sucking his thumb!

Lastly, your baby will likely be in the final birthing position, despite moving around a lot.

Can my baby feel me rub my belly at 33 weeks?

Yes, studies have confirmed that your baby can feel when you rub your belly, as detected by increased fetal movements which are seen sonographically.

Apparently, your baby even touches the uterine wall whenever you touch your belly!

What is the position of baby at 33 weeks?

The majority of babies are settled in the cephalic or head down position between 33-36 weeks.

Unfortunately, up to 7% percent of babies can be in the breech presentation (buttocks down) at 33 weeks.

If your baby does not flip to a cephalic presentation by the time you reach term, you will require a cesarean section unless you undergo an external cephalic version.

An external cephalic version is a procedure in which your physician uses his or her hands to physically roll or flip your baby into the cephalic position. If it fails, you will be scheduled for a c-section.

Find out more, about what happens during a cesarean section here.

Why is my belly so hard at 33 weeks pregnant?

If your belly is getting hard and tightening at 33 weeks, you are likely experiencing practice contractions which are known as Braxton Hicks contractions.

These contractions are also called false labor, as they do not cause your cervix to dilate and they typically subside on their own.

If you experience regular, painful contractions and your cervix is dilating, you could be in preterm labor.

If you have regular painful contractions with or without vaginal bleeding, you will need to seek medical attention right away as these could be signs of early labor.

Which week is best for delivery?

The best week for delivery is between 39 and 40 weeks of gestation, as this is when neonates have the best outcomes. It is at 39 weeks that your baby is considered full-term and all of his organs are fully developed.

If you deliver before 37 weeks, your baby is considered pre-term and may have complications of prematurity including respiratory distress syndrome.

If you deliver after 41 weeks, your baby is considered late-term, and if you deliver after 42 weeks your baby is considered post-term.

Some complications associated with post-term pregnancy include meconium-stained amniotic fluid, large for gestation baby, and increased risk of cesarean section.

What are some signs that labor is nearing?

Signs that labor is nearing include:

  • Breaking your water
  • Painful uterine contractions
  • Vaginal spotting aka bloody show
  • Increased vaginal pressure in the birth canal

If you are experiencing any of these signs of labor, you should speak to your doctor or go to the nearest L&D unit.

What should you be feeling at 33 weeks pregnant?

By the 33rd week of pregnancy, you will likely start to get more uncomfortable with increased pelvic pressure as your baby settles into its final position.

In addition, you will feel occasional Braxton Hicks contractions which can cause your abdomen to tighten and become hard.

Aside from discomfort, you should feel your baby move at least 10 times every 2 hours. This is known as the fetal kick count.

Other pregnant symptoms you may feel at this time include:

  • fatigue
  • increased shortness of breath as your diaphragm is pushed upwards
  • insomnia or difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position
  • increased urination as your baby presses on your bladder
  • leg cramps
  • swelling of your lower legs and ankles
  • lower back pain
  • sharp, shooting pain in the vagina or pelvis

What can you see on a 33 weeks pregnant ultrasound?

An ultrasound performed in the third trimester will typically look for:

  • The position of your baby,
  • Your amniotic fluid level, and
  • The estimated weight of your fetus

Overall, your baby has less room inside the womb, so he will look a little cramped in there!

If there is a concern for fetal wellbeing, you may also have a biophysical profile done. This is an ultrasound evaluation that also looks at:

  • How often your baby is moving (gross movement)
  • Fetal muscle tone (flexing and extending a joint)
  • The breathing pattern of your baby

33 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore (precautions)

The following symptoms should not be ignored at 33 weeks pregnant.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you must seek medical care immediately.

  1. Heavy vaginal bleeding
  2. Severe headache
  3. Persistent nausea and vomiting
  4. Severe abdominal pain
  5. Painful uterine contractions
  6. Severe shortness of breath
  7. Blurry vision
  8. Itchy palms and soles
  9. Elevated blood pressure

Your healthcare provider can inform you of any other precautions that are specific to your unique case.

33 weeks pregnancy is how many months?

At 33 weeks, you have completed 8 months and 1 week of pregnancy.

Now is a good time to start packing your hospital bag and getting other essentials together like a car seat, a crib, breast pump/bottles, and some baby clothes!

Final Words on Pregnancy Week 33

Are you beginning to feel more uncomfortable and feel more pelvic pressure?

You are not alone!

I am counting down the days to my due date!

The good news is, completing the 33rd week is an important milestone in fetal development!

Comment below and let me how your week went.

Check back next week for my 34-week update as I enter the last few weeks of my pregnancy!

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Get Four Free Workouts To Help Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor & Heal Your Mommy Tummy!


Brittany Robles, MD, MPH, CPT

Brittany Robles is a full-time OBGYN physician, a NASM certified trainer, and a prenatal and postnatal fitness specialist. She holds a Master of Public Health degree in maternal health with a special interest in exercise and nutrition. She is also the co-author of The White Coat Trainer. Learn more about her here.

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