My 27 Week Pregnant Belly: Bump Update (With Pictures)

My 27 Weeks Pregnant Belly Picture

27 week bump update

Starting Weight: 123lbs

Current Weight: 132lbs

Total Weight Gain: 9lbs (a little on the low side but my baby is growing appropriately)

Now let’s go over how my week went and what to expect…

Energy Level: My energy level has been great this week, although I am not looking forward to my 24-hour shift coming up!

Pregnancy symptoms: I noticed occasional leg cramps at night that were quite painful. I started putting topical Magnesium on my legs right before going to bed and that seemed to help. The most common symptom I get is occasional Braxton-Hicks contractions that only last for a few minutes.

Other than that my baby kicks so much throughout the day- sometimes it jolts me from my position.

Other Physical Changes: My growing belly is certainly making itself obvious. Every day at work, a new person notices that I am pregnant. I also noticed a few visible veins on the sides of my belly. No stretch marks or linea nigra.

Diet: No new changes to my diet this week.

Diet Modifications: No dietary modifications either. I am still drinking plenty of water eating a well-balanced diet, and taking my prenatal vitamins daily.

Food Aversions: No food aversions this week.

Food Cravings: No food cravings this week!

Workouts: I completed my four strength workouts this week and I also did an indoor cycling workout. I am also continuing to do my Kegels to strengthen my pelvic floor for delivery and postpartum.

You can see examples of my entire pregnancy workout in my Prenatal Fitness Prescription.

Modifications to my workout: I am still using barbells and dumbbells like I did pre-pregnancy however I am using lighter weights and really focusing on going through the movements slowly. I also take longer breaks in between sets.

*Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider to learn if exercise is safe for you.* As always start with gentle exercises and listen to your body.

Here is a video of me performing seated alternating in and outs to train my abs in a safe way at 27 weeks.

Other Related Questions

How big is a 27 week bump?

At 27-weeks, your uterus is approximately the size of a small basketball.

Your baby is approximately the size of a cabbage, cauliflower, or a head of lettuce and now measures about 14.5 inches and weighs ~2 pounds on average.

What should I look like at 27 weeks pregnant?

Every pregnant woman will look different at 27 weeks and it is important that you not compare yourself to others.

Here is what I look like at 27 weeks.

  • This is my first pregnancy
  • I was very active prior to getting pregnant (and continue to be active)
  • I had a normal BMI prior to pregnancy,
  • I maintain a well-balanced diet and have not had excessive weight gain
brittany holding up sign at 27 weeks pregnant from side

Does your bump grow every week?

Yes, your pregnancy bump should grow every week to accommodate your growing baby and placenta.

This is why your doctor measures your fundal height at each prenatal appointment, starting at 20 weeks.

brittany on back measuring the size of her uterus with a tap measure

The fundal height measures the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus.

At 20 weeks, the fundal height is at the level of your belly button.

Ideally, your fundal height should be the same as the number of weeks pregnant you are.

For example, at 27 weeks, your fundus should be 27 cm (+ or – 2 cm) from your pubic symphysis.

If your uterus is measuring 24 centimeters, or less, at 27 weeks, your baby might not be growing appropriately and further workup will be needed.

Does a small belly mean small baby?

A small belly does not necessarily mean a small baby. In fact, it is impossible to tell the size of a baby simply by looking at your belly.

Every pregnant woman will gain weight differently and have a unique shape to their belly, regardless of the baby’s size.

With that said, if the fundal height is measuring less than 3cm of your gestational age, this could signify a small baby.

What position is the baby in at 27 weeks?

A 27-week fetus is constantly changing its position, as it still has a lot of space to move around.

At times, your baby will be head down which is known as the cephalic position. This is the ideal position for vaginal delivery.

Other times, your baby may be lying across your abdomen in the transverse position, or even sitting in the uterus with its head in your upper abdomen, known as the breech position. Both of the positions will require a cesarean section for delivery.

Typically your baby will assume its final position towards the middle to end of the 3rd trimester.

Can my baby feel me rub my belly at 27 weeks?

Yes, studies have shown that your baby can feel you rubbing your belly as indicated by increased movement on ultrasound. Babies in the third-trimester show more movement than babies in the second trimester.

What does a 27 week baby look like?

A 27-week baby looks just as you would imagine, like a full-term baby, just smaller.

Is the baby fully developed at 27 weeks?

Yes, your baby is fully developed at 27 weeks, although the organs will continue to develop.

This week:

  • your baby’s eyes are open,
  • he/she will start to experinece hiccups,
  • he/she will begin swallowing and excreting the amniotic fluid as practice for breathing
  • he/she will begin putting on more fat
  • his/her sense of hearing will improve as the little bones in the in the ear have developed

Are babies lungs developed at 27 weeks?

The lungs are developed at 27 weeks however they still need to fully mature, which doesn’t happen until 36 weeks.

If you go into labor at this time, you will be offered steroids such as betamethasone or dexamethasone to help mature the fetal lungs to decrease the risk of respiratory distress syndrome at birth.

Is the 3rd trimester 27 or 28 weeks?

The third trimester begins at 28 weeks and lasts up to 40 weeks.

After 40 weeks and 6 days, a pregnancy is considered late term.

How many months is 27 weeks pregnant?

27 weeks pregnant is 6 months and 3 weeks.

You are at the last week of your second trimester and you have almost completed 7 months of pregnancy!

Anything else I should know?

As you close in on the second trimester, it is common to experience worsening of the following pregnancy symptoms:

  • Round ligament pain
  • Braxton Hicks contractions
  • Leg cramps
  • Constipation
  • Lower leg swelling (especially in the ankles)
  • Discomfort in your hips or pelvis as your pregnancy hormones help prepare for labor
  • Lower back pain

It is also common to start gaining a lot of weight in the third trimester.

This is a great time to revisit your nutrition and ensure that you are drinking lots of water and making healthy food choices whenever possible.

Concerning symptoms

You should also be aware of any concerning symptoms which include:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Abdominal pain
  • Leakage of fluid
  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Unusual shortness of breath
  • Absent fetal movement
  • Any signs of preterm labor (regular painful contractions)

This list is not comprehensive. If you are ever unsure about any symptoms, it is always a good idea to speak with your health care provider!

Final Words on Pregnancy Week 27

You are officially entering the start of your third trimester!

How did your 27th week of pregnancy go? Are you excited that your due date is approaching?

Comment below and let me know!

Be sure to check back in next week for my 28-week update!

My Other Weekly Updates!

Get Four Free Workouts To Help Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor & Heal Your Mommy Tummy!


Brittany Robles, MD, MPH, CPT

Brittany Robles is a full-time OBGYN physician, a NASM certified trainer, and a prenatal and postnatal fitness specialist. She holds a Master of Public Health degree in maternal health with a special interest in exercise and nutrition. She is also the co-author of The White Coat Trainer. Learn more about her here.

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  1. Marx V, Nagy E. Fetal Behavioural Responses to Maternal Voice and Touch. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0129118. Published 2015 Jun 8. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129118