My 26 Week Pregnant Belly: Bump Update (With Pictures)

My 26 Weeks Pregnant Belly Picture

26-week-bump-update cover image

Starting Weight: 123lbs

Current Weight: 132lbs

Total Weight Gain: 9lbs

Now let’s go over how my week went and what to expect…

Energy Level: My energy level was great this week. I wonder how much this will change later in the third trimester.

Pregnancy symptoms: I notice that I am starting to experience bouts of shortness of breath especially when on a long walk, walking up a flight of stairs, and during my workouts. As a result, I am decreasing the intensity of my workouts to accommodate these symptoms.

Other Physical Changes: My bump has continued to grow and many people at my hospital have commented on it.

I still don’t see any stretch marks and my linea nigra hasn’t formed as of yet.

My baby moves around a lot throughout the day which I love however at times it feels as if he is doing flips inside my uterus.

Diet: No new changes to my diet this week.

Diet Modifications: No dietary modifications either. I am still trying to drink plenty of water and eat a well balanced diet.

Food Aversions: No food aversions this week.

Food Cravings: No food cravings this week.

Workouts: I completed my four strength workouts this week which include the main lift of the day- either squat, overhead press, bench press, or deadlift, and two accessory movements- either an upper body or lower body exercise with a core exercise. I am working out in a higher rep range and have noticed I get more short of breath towards the end of the set than usual. To compensate, I take longer breaks in between each set. I also continue to do my kegels to strengthen my pelvic floor for delivery and postpartum.

You can see examples of my entire pregnancy workout in my Prenatal Fitness Prescription.

Modifications to my workout: I am still using barbells and dumbbells like I did pre-pregnancy however I am using lighter weights and really focusing on my form. I also take longer breaks in between sets.

*Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider to learn if exercise is safe for you.* As always start with gentle exercises and listen to your body.

Here is a video of me performing dumbbell Romanian deadlifts at 26 weeks.

Other Related Questions

How big should a pregnant belly be at 26 weeks?

A pregnant belly will vary at 26 weeks as everyone’s body is different.

In addition, the location of weight gain will vary from individual to individual.

With that said, at week 26, your baby is about the size of an acorn squash or a cucumber and weighs about 2 pounds, and measures approximately 14 inches.

Here is how big my belly is at 26 weeks.

brittany holding up sign at 26 weeks pregnant from side

What weeks does your belly grow the most?

The 2nd and 3rd trimester is typically when your belly grows the most as this is the time when the baby undergoes rapid development.

Many pregnant women will gain about 1 lb per week at those later stages of pregnancy.

What position is the baby at week 26?

The position of your baby is variable at week 26 and can even change throughout the day.

However, most babies will begin to get into a cephalic presentation (head down) and stay there during the third trimester as they will have less room to move with each passing week.

Can your baby feel you rub your belly at 26 weeks?

Yes, studies have shown that your baby responds positively when you rub your belly so keep on touching that belly!

This study was done in babies between 21 and 33 weeks of gestation.

What trimester is 26 weeks of pregnancy?

At 26 weeks pregnant you nearing the end of your second trimester!

The third trimester starts with the 27th week.

Is 26 weeks considered 7 months pregnant?

At 26 weeks, you are in the 7th month of pregnancy (or 6 months and 2 weeks to be exact).

At 28 weeks, you will have completed 7 months of pregnancy.

Can I lay on my stomach at 26 weeks?

You should avoid lying on your stomach at 26 weeks to avoid compressing your uterus, baby, umbilical cord, and placenta.

You should also avoid lying flat on your back as this can compress the major blood vessels and impede blood flow to and away from your heart.

Instead, try laying on your side with pillows to make yourself more comfortable.

If you have trouble sleeping, consider a pregnancy pillow!

Why am I cramping at 26 weeks pregnant?

You could be cramping at 26 weeks due to any of the following:

  • Braxton-Hicks Contractions
  • Dehydration
  • Polyhydramnios
  • Preterm contractions
  • Preterm labor

Braxton Hicks

Braxton hicks contractions are practice contractions that come and go and should not be persistent. They should never have a regular pattern or be very painful.


Because the uterus is a muscle, if you are dehydrated, the muscle will contract which will feel like cramping.

Make sure you are staying hydrated in pregnancy and drinking plenty of water.

To ensure you are adequately hydrated, take a look at the color of your urine when you wake up in the morning.

It should be a pale yellow color. If it is dark yellow, you need to drink more water!


Polyhydramnios refers to an abnormally high amount of amniotic fluid present inside the uterus.

The uterus becomes distended and cannot undergo any more stretching so it begins to contract.

Preterm Contractions and Labor

Preterm contractions occur when your uterus begins contracting prior to 37 weeks.

You are not in labor unless you are experiencing regular painful contractions that also cause cervical dilation.

These cramps will be more painful than Braxton hicks and will be persistent, occurring about every ~3-5 minutes.

If you are experiencing painful uterine cramping or contractions call your provider ASAP.

Is the baby fully developed at 26 weeks?

Your baby is fully developed at 26 weeks however its organs will continue to grow and develop until your delivery date.

This week, your baby developed eyelashes and eyebrows and can now open and close its eyes.

One interesting thing is that your baby’s eye color will change throughout the first few months of life as it picks up more pigment.

The adrenal glands which are located above the kidneys are now starting to secrete hormones (androgens) which can tell your brain to start producing breast milk.

Your baby will also continue to improve his/her breathing skills so that they can eventually breathe on their own.

How does a 26 week baby look like in the womb?

A 26-week fetus looks just like you would imagine a baby to look, just smaller and with less fat.

A full-term baby can weigh 7lbs on average whereas a 26-week baby weighs around 2lbs on average.

Do babies kick more when hungry?

In general, babies move around more during mealtimes, either right before a meal (when you are hungry) or right after.

With that said, your baby will take all the nutrients it needs from you regardless, which can actually make you deficient in key micronutrients throughout pregnancy.

This is why consuming a prenatal vitamin is essential.

Where do you feel kicks when the baby is head down?

If the baby’s head is down you will feel kicks under and above your umbilicus (belly button). Depending on the baby’s position they could be felt more on the right side or left side of your abdomen.

Anything else I should know?

As you enter the third trimester, it is important to follow closely with your health care provider to ensure everything is going well throughout the rest of your pregnancy.

Over the next few weeks important things to monitor include:

  • Gestational diabetes screening (aka high blood sugar)
  • Screening for high blood pressure or other signs of preeclampsia
  • Fundal heights (measuring the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus)
  • Screening for excessive or extra weight gain

You can also expect pregnant symptoms to increase in intensity with your growing baby. These include:

Final Words on The 26th Week of Pregnancy

Can you believe that you are almost in the 3rd trimester?

The second trimester was definitely better than the first trimester of pregnancy for me. I am hoping the third will be even better!

How did your week go? Did you have your gestational diabetes blood test yet?

Comment below and let me know!

Be sure to check back in next week for my 27-week update!

My Other Weekly Updates!

Get Four Free Workouts To Help Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor & Heal Your Mommy Tummy!


Brittany Robles, MD, MPH, CPT

Brittany Robles is a full-time OBGYN physician, a NASM certified trainer, and a prenatal and postnatal fitness specialist. She holds a Master of Public Health degree in maternal health with a special interest in exercise and nutrition. She is also the co-author of The White Coat Trainer. Learn more about her here.

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  1. Marx V, Nagy E. Fetal Behavioural Responses to Maternal Voice and Touch. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0129118. Published 2015 Jun 8. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129118
  2. Bradford, B., Maude, R. Fetal response to maternal hunger and satiation – novel finding from a qualitative descriptive study of maternal perception of fetal movements. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 14, 288 (2014).